Practice, Practice, Practice: The Importance of Daily Writing
Writing every day is beneficial for all of us! Greats, like author Stephen King, have commented on their daily practice of writing. As a project
manager for Silverlight Press and Silverlight Films, I’m learning new writing and storytelling skills every day. I’m also traveling the journey as
an author on a personal book project that I’m writing. The realization of practice has been highlighted repeatedly and I have seen firsthand
the value of daily writing. It’s really similar to the athletes I’ve met in the publishing and film projects. They continue to practice, train and work
with skilled coaches even as pros'.
Writing improves memory and builds vocabulary while refining communication skills. Writing can also be a positive outlet if your life is busy or
stressful. Be mindful, writing is also based on your choice of words to express and clearly convey concise content for your reader(s).
Writing promotes discipline, allowing you to think and reflect while learning to use words’ selection wisely.
This can be through research which not only inspire but educate you in the process. Writing thirty minutes
daily will not only improve your writing skills, but it will also help establish a disciplined approach to
putting your thoughts on paper. Writing encourages you to clarify the ideas and thoughts in your brain and rationalize
the same. As you write more, you’ll effectively be able to express your point and transform
your feelings into opinions and stories. Ultimately, daily writing will increase your confidence in your work,
and this, in turn, will shine through your writing. Writing for creativity, activism, blogging, social media, research, news articles, magazines,
coffee table books, and personal development—all require different skills. Trying a variety of these will also expand your knowledge and
a recognition of various styles and genres, as well.
You don’t have to be a master at all. You don’t even need to be a perfect writer. You will, however, find that your storytelling abilities will grow.
When you focus on writing daily, your mindset changes. Everyday events will find you searching for new
ideas, story lines, and article ideas. This is creativity, and inquisitiveness is crucial when you’re aiming to
be a great writer. While writing expands your vocabulary, it also helps you to find your writing style,
your niche, so to speak, which will only encourage you to write more.
Writing daily take discipline. You can do this by sitting down with your computer or pen and paper and
everyday, training yourself to express your thoughts. This will help you feel accomplished while
expanding your vocabulary. One way to incorporate daily writing exercises, schedule at least 30 minutes
daily, particularly during a time of day when you’re feeling most inspired to get your thoughts on paper.
By practicing this daily ritual, in time you will become proficient orchestrating your thoughts and ideas with
without angst or great effort.
If your passion is writing, please join Silverlight Press to explore your writing opportunities “through pen
and lens.” Your story could be the next best seller.