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“Strategy separates the professionals from the amateurs, the victors from the invisible, and the masters from the hobbyists.”

-Susan Sember, CEO Silverlight Press, Publisher, Author, Film Director & Producer, Attorney



Content Strategy

Would you play in a pro football game without a playbook? Would you launch a business without accessing your opportunities, sources of revenue, evaluating the marketplace and your competition, or analyzing how to capture the attention of your clients?

Strategy separates the professionals from the amateurs, the victors from the invisible, and the masters from the hobbyists.

So many aspiring authors “just write” and so many filmmakers “just shoot”…and without any consideration as to their strategy to ensure that their original objectives for writing or filming are fulfilled. You can create the best content in the world but if no one sees it or buys it—and yes, that happens more often than not—how will you feel? You’ve certainly created art for art’s sake and that alone, is praiseworthy. However, didn’t you write that book or shoot that film to make a difference? To raise your professional status or visibility? To provide a revenue stream? To promote a cause? To preserve a legacy?

Optimally, you don’t write a book or shoot a film and then say, “now what?” Your strategy begins upfront and if it hasn’t, you need a strategic assessment and plan STAT. Minimally, strategy requires a general direction of what you want to do with that book or film and then, as the infamous CEO, Jack Welch said, “you implement like hell”. Your strategy is also ever growing and evolving through every phase of your writing, marketing, and distribution. Your strategy is also different if you plan to do an adaptation for film, television or series, market yourself as a speaker, or position yourself to attract your desired clients. Expert guidance throughout is invaluable.

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Blog submitted by Susan Sember

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